Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Google vrs. China

China may have more to lose than Goggle, The New York Times reports today. By tightening its grip on online communication, it is challenging admittedly Western free-speech notions; but free flow of information is the bedrock of globalism. If China wants to be a global leader, perhaps THE global leader, it may have to ease its censorship and give its citizens access to "a wide range of political and social topics that its leaders believe could lead to instability."

Otherwise, "the cost, at least with some influential sectors of its own society, could be steep," speculates the Times . For one thing, the Chinese technology sector may find itself cut off from innovation.

A U.S. scholar who advised President Bill Clinton on China, observed, "“What does Google’s exit say? What it says publicly is what everyone deeply engaged in China knows privately. This is a system with very substantial domestic imperfection."

Moral: Even the most powerful nations today have to open the door to free flow of information if they want to be part of the global system.


Fatema A said...

It is kind of disappointing and its hard to set limits for the Chinese citizens. If they block google or set limits, they're blocking some part of the world from the Chinese and that would without providing something that overcome Google engine and other services they provide. It is hard to find another websites that compete Google with the same level. Now we see that Youtube and other websites are depending on Google. They are a huge community and they are giving people all over the world lots everyday to benefit them. I believe that Google's vision is to benefit every PERSON in the world who has access to the internet without any exceptions.

Fatema Abubake was here :D

fatima almarzouqi said...

Google has the most to lose because they are a company and China is a country. Google will make its profit, but not as much as if it would have if it stayed in China.
China will make itself whatever its government wants it to become where Google is around or not. i think even google not ease the censorship citizens will be loser

Unknown said...

I think that google is one of the most used websites, to me even more than
I think that people in China will miss google and wont like the blocking story. It's true that google will loose but China citiens will miss google too. ^__^