Friday, March 26, 2010

Dutch Royals Win Privacy Lawsuit

Back in August, the Dutch Royals won a legal action in Dutch courts against Associated Press (AP), the American news agency, for violating their privacy by shooting photos of them on vacation in Argentina. A reference to this story on Media Law Prof Blog just popped up on my Facebook.

Case was compared to a landmark privacy ruling that Princess Caroline of Monaco won against the German press in 2004. The court then ruled that photographers had violated the European convention on human rights, which declares the right to respect for private life.

Media Code protecting the privacy of members of the Dutch Royal House


fatima almarzouqi said...

I agree that there should be a respect for other private life and royals should taking care of themselves and to move away from the eyes of the journalistswho have to take the permittion from the royal before taking photo and put themself in jail because it is illegal in other country while it it ok to take photo of uae shaikhs in this country.

Nancy Beth Jackson said...

Is it okay to take photos of Sheikhs here or only when performing official duties? OK in to photograph the Dutch royals when performing official duties but not their private lives.

fatima almarzouqi said...

Dr.J here in UAE it is ok to take photos of Sheikhs not only when they performing official duties. Because every sheikhs have a blog where you can see million of their photos posted even in face book. also many people put shaikhs photo which are taken by themselves on the net and it is ok

Unknown said...

I think in UAE it's okay to take photos for Sheikhs men, but it's not allowed and hard to found a picture of a female lady from royal family !! especially in Abu-Dhabi.

Safaa . S said...

Royal families have the right to live their own private life away from public. However, people need to know about their royals and what they do. Therefore, there are certain times or moments where journalists can publish pictures of these moments for people to know about and share between each other, but not any photo could be published or could be please by the royals.

Fatema A said...

Part of the culture and religion, it is not okay to take photos of any person without permission. Prophet Mohammed asks us to ask for a permission even if we want to visit someone and he forbids us from spying or even trying to catch people without their known. Every person in this world has the right to have a privacy and be protected in order to feel safe. Most of us would like to be unidentified or unnoticed when having great times with our friends or families. As royal families are most followed and people just want to know simple details or anything about their lives, they try hard to protect themselves by making rules. As the girls mentioned above me that Royal women are not allowed to appear in public (and am not talking about the whole UAE). It is better for them not to be in public or very recognized in order to have a happy normal protected life away from people's eyes and of course PAPARAZZI. Even for Royal men, I do not think that they feel okay when people photograph them without them being known especially during their personal private lives. Otherwise, during official duties many photographers gather there to take photos of Shaikhs as they are already appearing in public and expect it.

Fatema Abubaker was here :D

Khawla al-Muhairi said...

the world is changing and also uae is changing. taking picture of the sheikhs (i mean the girls) is not aloud and that was before. now you can see pictures of sheikh mohamed bin rashid. also, before one or two year they put a picture of sheikh mohamed bin zayed in alitihad newspaper while they are visiting a girl in the hospital. so its depend on some of the sheikh.some of them don't mind, and others they don't allowed.

Fatima . M . Al Ali said...

Sheikhs in the UAE have their own photographers, not anyone can take their pictures in their private life, but sometimes people can take their pictures when they meet them in public suddenly, but not always they can do that. Here in the UAE you cannot recognize female sheikhs because we do not use to see them in public or in news. nobody can take their pictures only their photographers, but the male sheiks as i said before, you can take their pictures but that always difficult and it depends where you find them. Males sheikhs also we recognize them that because we see their pictures in the news and everywhere.