Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Ordinary Citizens With a Gadget"

The World News Prism sees a media world in which "ordinary citizens with a gadget" will be writing "the first draft of history," a job professional journalists have always claimed. But that doesn't mean an "ordinary" citizen can't be a fine reporter with only a little bit of training. CNN's "unedited"and "unfiltered" iReport is a user-generated news site. CNN offers an iReport Toolkit to help citizens with a gadget to tell their stories like a pro. No matter who's telling the story -- pro or ordinary joe -- it needs news basics, connects to the reader and involves the "hard work" of writing and editing.


fatima almarzouqi said...

Every one can be "ordinary citizens with a gadgetthought.I like what CNN reporters mention the steps to made a good news story and how to craft one. i wonder that there is 378,547 ireporters worldwide map according to ireport.com and most of them from US. Tt is a nice website you where you can find many story and see the ireporter picture. may be one day i will be i reporter of my country and to find my name post on the map website.

Suhaila Saeed Salh said...

There are many people who have talent to be a reporter but they couldn’t offer the money or they have some problems to take course to be professionals. So, what CNN’ reporter say the steps helps a lot of young reporter to represent their countries and help to growing the international news across the world.

Shaikha M. said...

What CNN did is fascinating, opening up a new way for people to interact and write about what is happening around them!!

Shaikha M.

AlYazyah AlFalasi said...

Individuals can contribute and report the news through such sites such as I Report on CNN. CNN does offer advice to the user as to how to make a great story, but what really is required is that the individual being able to have a significant story to tell and then report on that particular story with some expertise and so that it will appeal to the average viewer.

This may be the difficult task as individuals may not have the experience or be in a location where they would have a news story that would be significant to report.

They may have an interesting human interest story, but may not be able to report on major news stories. Although, I Report have been successful in places where traditional reporters have been banned to report from- such as the recent uprising in Iran or the protests over the Tibetan monks in China.

mariam AL-amimi said...

every one can have their chance to be reporter and write about common issues or what is happening around them. they may not be a professional reporter, but it help to express their opinion

Duaa Mukhayer said...

i think what the CNN did is a really great opportunity for all the citizens to participate and be part of news. some people have the talent to write so this is the opportunity for them to cover stories and publish it in the most popular website on the internet. Some people may watch and see something which reporters will not see or maybe they will see it before them and by this way they can cover and show the world the case before anyone els.

having ireport is also helpful for CNN and most other agencies because in some places in the world reporters are not allowed to enter these countries as press so citizens themselves can report about the cases, cover it and publish it for the whole world.